Patterns in rock

Often some of the most beautiful landscapes can be created from destruction. When the wind and rain destroy man-made structures we consider it destruction, but when it happens to hardened rock over eons it then becomes something beautiful. Delicate folds and ridges shaped by the elements which then mold surfaces that are otherwise indestructible.

Patterns in the sand

Boundaries are always interesting to me photographically. The meeting place of two environments. Think forest meets river, desert meets woodland, and in this case ocean meets land. That borderline area where the rushing water of the tide creates rivulets in the sand which almost look like rivers as seen from a plane flying high above.... Continue Reading →

Beauty in the details

Keeping with our theme of beauty in things other than grand sweeping landscapes here is a little detail that I thought was really lovely. I was walking along the path when I noticed these symmetrical little leaves on a fallen log. Nature really is quite remarkable when we take the time to get in close... Continue Reading →

Turtle Sunrise

One of the joys (and trials) of photography is being awake when the nicest light bathes the world. Which is usually somewhere before 5 o'clock in the morning. If you have aspirations of creating great photographs and you're not a morning person? You'd better learn to be. Either that or take up astrophotography!

Exercise heaven

If you're a fitness enthusiast then this part of the world really is especially made for you. With warm, tropical weather all year round and a plethora of sunshine there really is no excuse not to get out and about in the great outdoors. Nowhere is this easier to see than on the foreshores of... Continue Reading →

Pied pied pied

For those of us without hours and hours of time to sit around waiting for wildlife there is a really good alternative. A trip to your local zoo or wildlife park can present a wonderful opportunity to get reasonably close to animals and birds that are relatively habituated to people. It also saves the need... Continue Reading →

Road signs and wildlife

Road signs are an often overlooked point of interest. They vary from country to country, region to region. If you're trying to drive in a foreign country they can be overwhelmingly confusing. But one type of road sign that is pretty clearly understood is the wildlife warning sign. These can be found all over the... Continue Reading →

Contemplating the serenity

I've made no secret about this being my favourite little piece of rainforest in far north Queensland. Just north of Port Douglas, the easily accessible Mossman Gorge is a popular place with both tourists and locals alike. The water is always refreshingly cold in summer or winter, and this little swimming hole is the most... Continue Reading →

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