
As photographers we learn to appreciate light in all its forms. When working with natural light we are totally at the mercy of the elements, which can often mean waiting for hours, if not days, for the conditions to create the image we see in our mind's eye. When we work with flash, however, we... Continue Reading →


Here's another outtake from a really fun photo shoot. A BTS if you like. And just to prove that I'm still young and hip, I actually know what it stands for! Behind the Scenes.   Lying on the ground there is good buddy Dave (@dcphoto). Dave and I were both contracted to photograph a new... Continue Reading →

Baseball girls

Following on from my evolution into an off-camera flash kinda guy, here's some happy looking girls from the Cairns Junior Baseball League under lights at the new Walker Rd baseball complex in Edmonton. Both my boys play baseball and I have coached for a number of years. I don't often get to take photographs of... Continue Reading →

Always Walk Forward

To stay relevant as a professional artist you need to be constantly pushing yourself. To stay interested as an amateur artist you need to be constantly pushing yourself. For me, this image represents a major step in my development as a photographer and my ability to create different types of imagery. This is actually the... Continue Reading →

A life well lived

One of the best things about being a photographer is the opportunity to see places and meet people you would never normally get the chance to. I can't imagine I'm going to be a multi-millionaire any time in the near future. I don't buy lottery tickets and, as far as I know, aren't related to... Continue Reading →

It doesn’t have to be distant

This is the view driving down a local street to get to my house. I have driven along this road thousands of times over the years. And I'm usually so busy watching the road that I never even notice this incredible view right in front of me. Until, one particular day, I was driving along... Continue Reading →

Street Photography in a rural city

Street photography is fun. Just wandering around, you and your camera, looking for little slices of life to capture. Relying on serendipity. Blending in. The original reality TV. But street photography is not so easy in a rural town. When the place you live is 20 blocks by 20 blocks it's easy to lose yourself... Continue Reading →

If it’s flooded…

Good thing for this sign, otherwise this bloke would have had no idea where to ride his bike! Welcome to the wet season in far north Queensland where it rains, and rains and rains. Where your washing smells like mildew, your back yard becomes a swamp, and when it finally stops bucketing down the mozzies... Continue Reading →

Surrounded by nature

One thing about living in a semi-rural area is you can become a bit blase to the beauty of nature around you. I'm more likely to get angry at the stuff that drops out of this beautiful Golden Penda on to my car than to take the time to appreciate the beauty of the flower... Continue Reading →

Looks can be deceiving

Kookaburras are so cute we can often forget that they are skilled hunters and predators. This little guy was out the front of my house and I noticed he had something in his mouth. Not content to simply fly back to his perch in a nearby gum tree he first beat the hell out of... Continue Reading →

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